If the instruments are checked as belonging to the rhythm section, the chord changes entered for the piano part will automatically appear in the bass and guitar parts as well. However, if I have a piano-only intro in the score with the chord changes and want to exclude those changes from appearing in the bass and guitar parts for that section, how can I do that? Simply deleting the chords in some measures removes them from the other instruments in the rhythm section too. If I uncheck the bass and guitar from the rhythm section, I will have to enter the chords manually for each instrument one at a time.
In my case, I’ve already entered all the chord symbols I need in the score, but I want to remove or hide the changes for Guitar and Bass while keeping them for Piano in the intro. How can I do this without deleting all the chords and re-entering them in a different way as indicated in your replies?
If you use Chord Symbol Regions, you set the option to hide the chord symbols for the player (in Setup), but add a chord symbol region wherever you want the symbols to show for that Player.
Thank you for the score example and the input. Appreciate it! But I don’t think I can use the Chords Region the way you described simply because I entered all the chords changes in the score WITHOUT using Chord Region.
Because chord symbols are global, it doesn’t matter where you created them: you can choose on a per-player basis in Setup mode whether they appear for all instruments held by the player, only for rhythm section instruments held by the player, or only in chord symbol (and slash) regions. This works whether you change the settings before or after creating the chord symbols. Try it!
I don’t know how! My Highlight Chord Symbol Region is checked in View, but I don’t see any regions highlighted. I only want to hide the chord symbols for bass and guitar where they are not playing in the score.
Awesome! This worked! Thanks!
But the question is, how do I hide the chords in those regions?
Should I instead create a chord symbol region for the rest of the score where I want the chords to show, and then hide the chords for each player? Also, where in Setup can I do that
Think of it the other way around. You want to show chords only in the chord symbol regions. So the default for the Player is not to show chord symbols.
Might it be an option to select all the chord symbols you DO NOT want to see in Guitar and Bass parts, and in the properties panel, select “hidden” ?
Do you want to hide them in the score or the part. You can do either/both.
Select a chord symbol in the guitar part. It appears to select all chord symbols. Then go the properties panel at the bottom and select hidden. It only hides the guitar chord symbols, replacing them with a flag to let you know it’s there but hidden now. But if you want them to also be hidden in the part, it appears you need to hide them in the part as well.
I want to hide both in the score and in the part. If the instrument isn’t playing, there shouldn’t be any chord changes in either the part or the score. I don’t understand why this is so complicated to achieve.
I see that I can hide a selected chord in the properties, but selecting one chord doesn’t select all the others, which makes sense. However, if I use the selection tool to drag and select all the chords I need, I can then use the Hidden option in the properties. So, this could be a workaround to achieve what I need.
In this case, the use of the Chord Symbol Region is not needed.
It seems to be the same question raised, but the solution chosen—“The only other way would be to hide them in each instrument (which is easy-peasey)”—doesn’t really solve the issue. It just suggests hiding all the chord changes for the instrument, at least that’s how I read it.
I repeat, I have never done this, but if you set guitar and bass to “Never show Chord symbols” then in both instruments select the bars you want Chord symbols create a Chord Symbol Region to have them show the Chord Symbols in those bars.
Yes, this works too, but I think it’s backwards. This is good when you haven’t entered the chord symbols yet. In my case, I already had the chord symbols entered, and I just needed to hide them from showing in some parts of the arrangement.
Please see my reply to @kloewen.