Removing guitar from vocal track

I have been recording with me on guitar and vocals at the same time on two different channels. I can gate out the guitar when I am not singing but when I sing I hear the guitar faintly. Is there a way of removing everything below a certain volume on a track ?

When the guitar is playing with the voice, not really.

Does it matter? Even if you decide to re-do the guitar track, I’m sure a little bleed of the original take won’t be noticable in the final mix. You can get too obsessed with seperation!

Another option would be to use EQ to remove any possible frequencies that the guitar might be in and your voice wouldn’t. Problem with that is they tend to overlap for the most part and you don’t want to gut your vocal track. Is there any reason why now that you have the guitar track finished, you can’t just re track the vocal alone and isolated?

There is a small problem where effects I put on the vocals come through on the guitar and clash slightly with the guitar track. I only play acoustically these days so it is nice to have the freedom to play around with the tempo but that makes recording the track separately difficult particularly as I am doing it all on video.

Its not a big problem .

There is away to do it but it is very tricky and involves a lot of Eqing ,reversing phase and bouncing but this is only possible if the bleed is perfectly in sync with the guitar track … Check out some video’s on removing vocals by phase cancellation and you might be lucky and be able to apply this technique to what you need :wink:

You could try mixing a little of the guitar track in reversed-polarity back into the vocal track. I suspect the risk of degrading the vocal would be greater than the problem of a bit of vocal FX hitting the guitar.

This is you singing and playing (and recording)? Any chance that you could be falling into the old trap of lacking confidence in your own vioce and therefore going overboard with the FX? :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone but I have spent to much of my life messing around instead of just playing and want to keep it simple.

Then the simple thing is from the out set make sure your not getting any bleed to your vocal track :wink:

I agree, this is the most effective solution. Either record the tracks separately, or separate the mics better - use the proper sensitivity modes, or invest in higher quality mics. Perhaps use an acoustic baffle between the mics.

thread necromancy for others who searched their way to this thread:

i’ve found that dropping the volume to zero on the vocal track between gaps in the lyrics helps where it matters.
(or i’m imagining that it sounds better. i’m a total n00b with all things DAW, so, grain of salt and all that.)

I had forgotten all about this thread. Since then I have invested time and money in professional software and although I don’t need it anymore I can do this easily with the amazing izotope RX7. Last winter I was holidaying in India and woke to a million birds singing and decided to use it in a song. Prolbem was it was spoilt by the loud waves which didn’t fit with what I need. Amazingly I was able to remove the sound of the waves without any loss of bird sound quality

Sounds like something I’d try if I had a spare $1200 (or even $300.) Going to have to stick with my dropping the vocal track volume to zero between lyrics for now though. :slight_smile: As a hobbyist I’ve decided it’s best for me to avoid starting a habit of buying tools that are clearly priced for professionals, not for hobbyists.

yea it’s not cheap but I use the standard version at $399 and it doesn’t everything I could ever want it to do

Nice. I just tried reafir. Great for pulling out room noise, but it can’t seem to pull out the guitar without trashing the voice (kind of expected for the low low price of free.)