Hello. When I enable the Ruler in the Montage, it also displays markers & tempo info that were embedded in the audio file. Is there a way to either not display those with the Ruler or bulk strip them all out, rather than removing them manually in the Audio Editor?
Thanks. Yup, WL Pro 12. I did try there, and with all the options deselected the embedded markers & tempo are still showing.
Maybe you have to update to new version. It works fine here. Or are you on a Mac?
Montage > View > Clip
untick - Ruler
regards S-EH
I test this with Ruler on an off and it works fine here.
Edit - there was an error from my end (I did not understand the post). This was available in Right Click on file - Show Source’s Rulers and Markers like snap cursor.
You’re doing it wrong.
What is the solution for this then?
That’s why he posted the question, to see if there is a solution.
I am on Mac, v12.0.30 build 696. It’s not the markers shown in the video, it’s markers embedded in the audio file supplied by the client.
Thanks @PG1 , good to know! Maybe a feature request in that case? Or a way to bulk remove those types of markers would be awesome too.
Hi @Ian_Bodzasi
With regard to ‘bulk stripping’ the markers you can do this … see here: