Removing Markers from Imported Audio

Hello. When I enable the Ruler in the Montage, it also displays markers & tempo info that were embedded in the audio file. Is there a way to either not display those with the Ruler or bulk strip them all out, rather than removing them manually in the Audio Editor?

Are you on WL12? Have you tried this?

Thanks. Yup, WL Pro 12. I did try there, and with all the options deselected the embedded markers & tempo are still showing.

Maybe you have to update to new version. It works fine here. Or are you on a Mac?

Montage > View > Clip
untick - Ruler

regards S-EH

I test this with Ruler on an off and it works fine here.

Edit - there was an error from my end (I did not understand the post). This was available in Right Click on file - Show Source’s Rulers and Markers like snap cursor.

You’re doing it wrong.

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What is the solution for this then?

That’s why he posted the question, to see if there is a solution.


I am on Mac, v12.0.30 build 696. It’s not the markers shown in the video, it’s markers embedded in the audio file supplied by the client.

There is no option to display only the ruler.


Thanks @PG1 , good to know! Maybe a feature request in that case? Or a way to bulk remove those types of markers would be awesome too.

Hi @Ian_Bodzasi

With regard to ‘bulk stripping’ the markers you can do this … see here: