Render In Place printing bus inserts

Hey everybody -

I’m using Cubase Pro 13 and noticed that when I am rendering a track in place which is routed to a group track the processing from the group track also gets printed to the rendered track. I have it set at “channel settings” and not “path and FX”. Is it supposed to work this way? If so, what is the difference between rendering with channel settings only vs complete signal path? Is there a way to render the audio with the channel inserts active but not the group?



it is supposed to work as you expect.

Forgive a blunt question but have you changed the routing of the track that the rendered audio is on? Or switched of the effects of the group?

Yes - If I switch off the group inserts the rendered audio is as expected. In this context I’ve got an amp sim on a guitar DI track which is clean without any delay or reverb. The guitar DI track is routed to a group track which had reverb on it. Once rendered, the printed audio had reverb. The rendered audio was routed directly to stereo out.

If I disable the reverb on the group track, the rendered audio does not have reverb on it.

It seems that the rendering is not working as I expect it should - I wonder if this is a bug?


I meant to ask if you switch off the group effects after rendering? Because by deafult the rendered track will be routed through the group.

Hey again - as I stated in the last post the rendered track was routed through the stereo outs. It doesn’t seem to be routing them through the group by default on my system.

Could you post some screenshot please, to get sure we talk about the same settings?

But you’re calling it render in place…in which case it’s the same track with the same routing?

Sure - Just at work now but I’ll post either this evening or tomorrow. I’m pretty sure it’s not just a simple thing I’ve overlooked in the dialog but I’ll definitely post some screenshots. I’ve attached a pic of the dialog which I found online - (the pic below is NOT from my session, it’s from google images). I have MY dialog set as follows:

MODE - as one event
PROCESSING - Channel settings
Tail mode off
Bit depth 32 bit float
Mix down to one audio file is checked
Source event settings - Mute source events

When I render in place it mutes the original source track and creates a new track with the rendered audio. The new audio track is routed to stereo outs by default.

Ah yes…sorry been working with multiple DAWs…forgot Cubase render in place isn’t really in place.

But that aside, what it does always do is create the same routing as your original track on the rendered track so are you absolutely sure it’s not still routed to the reverb??

Oh, must be a C13 thing then. I am still on Cubase 12 and there the routing of the new track goes to the group automatically.

In that case I would suggest to start Cubase without the user preferences in order to see if the problem stems from there.
When starting Cubase hold Ctrl + Alt + Shift on PC / Cmd + Opt + Shift on Mac. Select to disable user preferences.

I will have a look into this later this evening.