Rendering multiple montages saves files in random folders after update

Since the 12.0.5 update, when I render multiple audio files or montages at the same time, some of the resulting files are ending up in random folders. Sometimes these are folders I haven’t opened in months. Selecting the “reveal in file explorer” option has allowed me to at least see where the files are going, but still they are not saved in the specified directory so I have to move them to where they should have been saved. If I re render the same 10 files specifying they all are saved to the desired folder, the files that get saved to other folders do end up in those same other folders again when they are rendered again. (these other folders are not associated with this project and appear to be randomly selected previous projects) Most of the files end up in the directory I specify. There are sometimes more than one different folder the other resulting files are erroneously saved in. I have been using this function almost daily for years and never had this happen before the update.

12.0.5 seems to be a big improvement except for this problem. Thank you for finally fixing the issue of montages not rendering and saying the resulting files were still opened when they aren’t, and WL is crashing much less often now when I exit the program. (I didn’t update to 12.0.51 since you said it was only needed for protools users.)

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Thanks for your report, I will have to try reproducing it.
Would you say this problem has happened between 12.0.40 and 12.0.50?
Is this only happening when rendering multiple files at the same time? (that is, not when rendering a file after the other).
Did you also try using the new option “Contextual folders” ?

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Hi PG,

This problem occurs when using the “render multiple files” function e.g. rendering multiple separate montages or audio files at the same time with multiple cores through their respective signal chains, but the result of each rendered montage going to the same folder. Specifically, I’m rendering masters for each song on an album as a separate montage so I can recall them individually and also to not overload the PB buffer. When I render multiple files from the same montage using “all marked regions” I don’t experience this issue.

I do not use the contextual folders since I have a specific workflow with folder and file naming for all projects and need to keep them separated so I can archive them individually.

I didn’t update to 12.0.40 due to the issues that were reported with that build so I can’t say whether it was affected on that version. It was behaving normally on 12.0.3 which was what I was using before updating to 12.0.5.


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To further clarify, this is not an intermittent issue. If I render 2 files at the same time, one of them gets saved in the wrong directory every time. It’s a waste of time to have to find and move the rendered files to the location where they should have been saved each time I process multiple files.

Please advise on when this will be fixed. Thanks.

I was not able to reproduce your problem. Are you sure you have this option enabled? If yes, I need more details about your rendering settings.

That option is enabled. This is occurring when using the Render function at the bottom of the master section which opens the file export page. “Render Multi” on the left side.

I’m not experiencing this problem when rendering files as in the screenshot you sent, but there’s no option for “render multi” there.


The original files names are saved when using “render multi” and the output folder is selected for all of the resulting files.

Actually, upon further testing it seems that by UNCHECKING the “keep independent folder for each source file” when rendering multi, this issue is not happening now. I wasn’t aware this option existed and haven’t checked it before, perhaps it was added or enabled by default with the last update and that’s what caused this problem to occur?
Thanks for bringing this setting to my attention.

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You can render multiple files also from the ribbon, by checking tabs. This is the way I recommend.

In the other (File) panel, this is less obvious to see what destination path is related to each file.

If you still can’t succeed, give me some explicit file paths you are using and that fail.

Yes, that brings up the same dialog I was using to render the files. UNCHECKING the “keep independent folder for each source file" option you pointed out seems to have fixed this. Now the files are all saved in the same specified folder. Having this option enabled by default must have been forcing the files to be saved in separate locations, but they were done so randomly, and there were more than one of the files saved to the correct directory so it wasn’t saving each source file in an independent folder. There was some conflict with this setting enabled and also specifying a discrete location for the files to be saved.
Thanks again for bringing this setting to my attention. I never used it previously, maybe it’s new or was enabled by default with the update.

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Why is “All Selected Clips” missing when rendering more than one montage?

This is currently not compatible with the multitasking way of rendering multiple montages.