Reorganise lanes in group editing mode?


Lanes have so many issues and upgrade possibility it is strange it is still left unfixed.
Something always troubling to me is this :
Select multiple events in one single lane and reorganise one by one vertically on different lanes (same start end lengh) will mostly result in complete mess when later selecting them using the COMP tool in group editing mode. Other track in same group folder sharing same number of lanes events (start, end lenght) will select events on other lanes.
Is there a way to “reset” this order ?

(Other things about lanes that are annoying for years :
Selecting a Lane doesn’t selet the corresponding track. So you can’t open Channel Settings or have the pinned panner following.
Copy an event from one lane number #x and paste it somewhere else in the project will paste it on same lane number (#x) but copy a sound from Mediabay and paste it while selecting a specific lane (#x) will paste it on lane #1 forcing you to move it manualy.
In Enlarge Select Track mode, selecting an event on a lane enlarges the lane but also the track resulting in annying display jumps.)

I hear you. It’s finicky. But if you have multiple tracks in a folder with group edit enabled, AND you have ALL the tracks in the folder set to display their lanes, you can freely reorder them vertically and the edit linking will remain intact. (Careful for some modifier keys that sometimes let you edit only one of the files, even though you are in group edit mode.)