Repeat bars with tied note

How can I used repeat bars with a note that is tied? It has to sound as tied note.

Can you start a tie on the last note in your selection? (I’m a beginner, so that’s just a WAG.)

You could let the tie continue into the repeat region. Dorico will show both.

But you’ve got a 1-bar repeat in the screenshot, and I think you want a 4-bar repeat.

(P.S. What is a WAG in this context?)

Wild Acrobatic Guess?

You could try using two voices in that section?

  • Use an l.v. to display a “tie” in one of the voices
  • Add in the same material to another Voice (that includes a normal tie for playback).
  • Select all the notes in the “playback” voice and set the Custom scale to 1%. This should effectively hide everything.

Does that work?