Repeat (bracket) without repeat, Just info?

Miss this from Finale. you could do a repeat (bracket) without end. Enter text and be able to change both x and y axis. Or is there a quick way in Dorico that I missed?
(Don’t know how to tag pictures?)

What do you mean with “do a repeat without end”?

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Thank you for your commitment. Kind of hard to explain, and I couldn’t find a way to attach pictures. But this is how I did it in Finale. I used the ending omega.



Skärmavbild 2024-10-10 kl. 14.15.04.png
Skärmavbild 2024-10-10 kl. 14.14.28.png
Skärmavbild 2024-10-10 kl. 14.15.34.png

Do you know how to attach pictures in the forum?


As you can see, you can work with the mouse (or arrows) on x-y and font.

Thank you!


Skärmavbild 2024-10-10 kl. 20.34.06.png

Hey Micael!

The repeats are the wrong tool… Although you can create those brackets and then delete the actual repeat, you’ll always end up with two brackets.
Better use the Line Tool:

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, :pray::pray::pray::birthday::smiley:

You’re very welcome! :smiling_face: :+1: