Requantize doesn't work with lyrics

  1. Create a new project with a voice
  2. Input something like that:
  3. Requantize to eights without tuplets works:
  4. Undo, and add lyrics:
  5. Try to do the same requantize:

Unexpected: I expect to see straight eighths as before. The lyrics shouldn’t change the result of the quantize.

There are 2 variables here: lyrics, and tuplets. It’s not clear from your description whether you followed the exact same process for both tests: were tuplets selected for both, or just the second?

Does the requantizing work when the notes and tuplets are selected, without lyrics? If not, it’s more likely that the tuplets are the issue.

  1. Tuplets without lyrics > works as expected
  2. Selecting music without the lyrics (while lyrics exist) > bug reproduces.
  3. Selecting music without the tuples / with the tuples > same results. Bug reproduces
  4. Similar experiment without tuplets:
    Quantizing for quarters results in: (same both selecting the lyrics or selecting only the notes)
    Which is better (notes are correct), but lyrics are not aligned to music anymore.

So it seems like you need both lyrics and tuples here, but my suspicion is that the fact that lyrics are not changing position after reqauntize is somehow what’s causing the problem.

Although you don’t see them, lyrics syllables have their own rhythmic values, which they inherit from the notes above when you enter them. Adding lyrics under triplets will also create invisible triplets in the lyrics ‘voice’.
You can (and often should) select notes along with their tuplet structure when you want to change something, but unfortunately you can’t access the inherent triplets ‘behind’ the lyrics.

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As @PjotrB says, lyrics are not attached to notes and don’t move when you edit notes. Requantize currently does not affect lyrics, which is not a bug, but simply how the program works at the moment. Requantize concerns itself only with notes.

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@dspreadbury Are you planning on quantizing the lyrics too in the future? Is there a particular reason it doesn’t do it or just that you never prioritized it?

Once entered, lyrics are attached to a position in the measure. Although this requires care when moving notes to move lyrics together with them, it also allows flexibility for special uses of lyrics such as spoken syllables without notes.

As @Derrek says, lyrics are not attached directly to notes, so it’s non-trivial to decide how they should be adjusted when you do an operation like re-quantize. It would certainly be helpful to provide additional options for moving lyrics when the notes at the same positions move, not only for re-quantizing but also for other edits, but I can’t say for sure when we will tackle those things.

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