Request for metadata creation

For the users of the font editor programs “FontLab” and “Glyph” Ben Timms from Steinberg friendly provides a great collection of very usefull scripts to help in the preparation of SMuFL-compliant fonts.
Among them I desesperately tried to create/adapt on my own for FontForge one particular script called “add_anchors” but after several weeks work I must give up as this task is simply too difficult for me.

My request is:
Could Steinberg or someone knowledgeable provide these scripts for FontForge?
I am of course aware of Robert Piéchaud great script for FontForge “generate_font_metadata”, it helps already a lot.
But I found out that under certain circumstances this script may not be enough and many things still remain to solve when creating a metadata file.

Here are the available scripts for Glyph:
. generate_font_metadata
. populate_ranges
. set_display_name_to_codepoint
. set_display_name_to_glyph_description
. set_display_name_to_glyph_name
. set_metadata_and_category
. smufl_glyphs

And for FontLab:
. annotate_glyphs_with_smufl_names
. create_glyph_ranges
. generate_font_metadata
. make_text_font
. add_anchors

These scripts are available here:

and here:

I’ve written my own script for this a few months ago. I may be able to remove the non generic stuff and share it. I’ll take a look, but this may take a few days. I don’t know when I’ll have the time…

@ florian
It would be really great, I am glad for all kind of help.
And of course take your time.

I’ve got a bunch of scripts that do all these and more. I’ll have to see (same as Florian) if and when I can get to putting them up in the smufl repository. Stay tuned.

Be aware that recent builds of Bravura metadata are incomplete and even Bravura is incorrect in some places. I’m working on fixing the metadata, but it will take some time. I’ve submitted issues to both the SMuFL and Bravura repositories, but I haven’t received word if anyone has noticed them.

I’d be very interested to see those scripts, Abraham.
It’s always fascinating to study how differently someone else is approaching the same task with the same tools!

@ tisimst
Now that would be great too!

Hi teacue, I’ve finally managed to look into this. I’ve uploaded a cleaned version of my script to GitHub. It works for me, but I haven’t done any systematic testing, so let me know if you run into problems.

Hi Florian
Wow! I am impressed!
Thanks a lot for your work.
Your script looks good and is well documented, great.

I am able to run the script but I get a few errors.
I will send you a PM tomorrow as I think it is unnecessary to post this in this thread.

EDIT: PM sent

For anyone interested, Florians script works flawlessly now and is very usefull :slight_smile: