Request for modification of indications

Please see if you can change the position of these indications, otherwise what you see in the video happens.
Thank you

Per favore, vedere se potete cambiare la posizione di queste indicazioni, altrimenti capita quello che si vede nel video.

You can select items behind other items by Shift-Alt/Opt-clicking them. You can also hide/show signposts whenever you like.

My operating system is Windows, sorry.
So Shift + click?

Alt/Opt means press Alt on Windows, or Opt on Mac (new Macs call that key “option” so unless you knew “option” means “Alt”, you’d be a bit stuck!)

So, on Windows: Shift-Alt-click

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Thank you very much …

There’s also a new key command in 3.5 “Hide Invisibles” that temporarily hides non-printing elements like signposts, frame edges etc for as long as you hold down the key(s). On an English keyboard, the key is ` on Mac (the one that also has the ~ sign, to the left of the Z key) and \ on Windows.

In the end, to avoid remembering many commands, the simplest procedure seems to be this …
Anyway thanks…

Another thing worth knowing is that you don’t have to double-click items - as long as they’re selected, you can also just press Return to open them up.