Request new PLE property type: 'Lane selected'

There are many occasions where I am working within the lanes of a track, and I try to execute a command for the track itself but because the focus is highlighting the Lane and not the Track, nothing happens.

This, IMO, is a missed opportunity because if we already have the lanes of a track selected it should be implied that we want to work with that track. At present, the track itself needs to be selected for any commands to work on it.

You can use Parent Object is Selected for some commandsā€¦

Position, color for example.

Hmm I was aware of this, but it was my impression that for a positive command the Parent (ie, the main track of those lanes in this case), has to be selected. In the scenario described in my OP, thatā€™s the issue ā€“ that it isnā€™t selected, only the lane is, and Iā€™m trying to do the reverse (and get it selected).

Am I wrong about this?

Did you try it?

Edit -

Prerequisite is that there must be parts selected on the lane

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When you have a part/event selected on a lane, you can have the container track selected as long as you have in the Preferencesā†’Editing, ā€œTrack Selection Follows Event Selectionā€ checked.


This way, you can execute a PLE for the selected track, for example:

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Actually all that needed to click is I need to preselect an event in the lane, then the container track automatically gets selected as well.
Thanks for highlighting this.

Yes I have this option enabled, all I needed to remember was to select an event on the lane first, then that will achieve what I want.

I still think the container track should remain selected when one of its lanes are selected, but it may not play nice with the slew of ā€˜laneā€™ commands available.

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