How can I make a dotted eightnote rest followed bij a sixteenth note?
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How can I make a dotted eightnote rest followed bij a sixteenth note?
Thanks for helping
Make sure your rhythmic grid is set to 16th notes; advance the caret by 3 sixteenths, press 4 and enter your 16th note
No need to input the rest….
I tend to use a similar but slightly different method: I select a dotted eighth as my note duration and press the space bar, which advances the caret, and then enter the sixteenth note.
The arrow keys advance the caret by the current grid duration; the space bar advances the caret by the current input duration. I usually prefer using the space bar because it feels more like “entering” rests, although the effect of both is the same: moving the caret to the next note position and letting Dorico supply implicit rests.
This is brilliant, thanks.
Thanks, it worked.
Sincerely thanks.
Bernard Klopman
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