Rest symbol length in full-bar rests shorter than 4 counts (e.g., in a 1/8th measure)

As I couldn’t find this option in either Layout, Notation or Engraving options; is it possible for Dorico to automatically account for the length of a measure when engraving full-bar rests?

By default, an empty 4/4 bar is filled with a rest equal to 4 counts (whole note rest). But so is a 1/8th bar, or a 3/16th bar, etc.

For players this can be confusing as they’re reading a 4-count rest, which in fact is only an 8th or even 16th in duration. This is especially problematic in scenarios with many consecutive time measure changes.

I know this can be done manually, but in larger orchestral scores and in pieces with many alternating time measures this can be very time consuming.

Any way to have this done automatically in Dorico?

The idea of having a duration threshold below which Dorico should show individual rests rather than a bar rest has come up before, and is on our list of things we may add in future, but it’s not something for which an option is provided at the moment.

Alright, thank you for the heads-up! Is there a suggestion thread which I can upvote/contribute to? I was unable to find posts similar to mine on the forums.

You’ve already told Daniel, which is as much as needs to be done!

What are you beating? Any reason you wouldn’t just double all the note values?