Restore Recorded Audio Files after Crash

I just upgraded to Version 9.5 and hoped that Wavelab is finally capable of restoring temporary audio files like Adobe Audition CC does flawlessly.
If OS (Win10/64bit) or Wavelab itself crashes during recording audio files or if it runs out of diskspace, all recorded files are lost. Makes no difference wether I record to named file or to temporary file.

When is this going to be addressed? Actually I prefer Wavelab over Audition and I do all recordings in Wavelab.

Has maybe anybody else found a way to restore recorded audio files that weren’t properly saved?

Thanks for looking into this.

It’s been a long time since I had anything like that happen, but WL normally would write a file during recording that can be recognized by the extension .$$$ instead of .wav. I guess it should be in your temporary folder.

Took a while to check, but when I change the temp file extension from .$$$ to .wav, all I get is noise - no matter what RAW-option I use. Again mishaps like this is managed by Audition much better I I urge Steinberg to implement this as well. I just filed a support ticket to address this - hopefully this is going to be changed in the near future.

A file with the .$$$ extension, should be opened with File > Import > Unknown Audio

I know, but the file only contains noise. No matter which option I choose.

I know, but the file only contains noise. No matter which option I choose.

It is very unlikely that the file contains noise.
In the dialog, you must use the file specs of the recorded file. If this is a temp file, this is a float 32 bit little endian file.

Just so you know, Philippe (PG) is the developer of Wavelab - fastest support ever simply through this forum. Now try that with Adobe :laughing:

Re Arjan P: thank you - I didn’t know that - forum support is really fast - great! Steinberg-support also answered quickly but rather disappointing: If the temp file cannot be imported it’s gone - sorry :frowning:
So I tried again with Philippe’s abovementioned options but now the file is silent - the recording is still gone

@Philippe: Is it possible to implement in a future release something that’s really foolproof and prevents recordings from being lost if someone makes an error like forgetting to check diskspace or battery level. Much appreciated :slight_smile:

I note this for the future.

thank you very much.

It’s me again. I feel I have to revive this thread since nothing has changed since 2017 (!) in regard to handling crashes during recording. I’m using WaveLab 10 and 11. When recording to temporary file and WaveLab or the OS (in my case Windows 11 64bit) crashes the recording seems to be lost forever. When recording to file the restored file (named *.$$$) is also not always usable. So dear @PG PLEASE find a way that WaveLab ALWAYS and regularly stores the recording DURING recording at some predefined storage, which it does not do right now. Neither in the temp folder nor in the cache folder anything is stored that can be easily retrieved. The problem persists also in Version 11. I hate to reiterate buit Audition manages this flawlessly but I prefer WaveLab a lot over Audition :slight_smile: I hope that in the next update at least of Version 11 this problem will be adressed. Best regards, David

This file should be openable with:

If you give an explicit file path, then you know where the file is.
If you use a temp file, then you have control over where this is recorded:


Hi PG,
thank you for your quick response.

I am using versions 10 and 11 since in some settings I need to reduce the window size and version 11 doesn’t allow this. We already had a conversation about this - so please make the program window of V11 as scalable as V10 :pray:

Now when it comes to crashes things seem to be a bit complicated:

  1. Recording to temporary file
    I checked the locations of the temp files and it seems that in my rather complex system the file locations out of nowhere weren’t recognized anymore and Wavelab didn’t save the $$$ file. Maybe some Windows update interfered with some WaveLab settings? I changed the temp file locations and now the $$$ file is again saved on disk (in the predefined temp folder). So that issue is solved I hope :slight_smile:

  2. When recording directly to file and Wavelab crashes there was indeed a file but containing only noise, no matter what settings or WaveLab version I used when importing the file (as RAW file). Now I updated the audio driver (Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 2nd gen - driver and it works - but only on V10. V11 still only produces noise. But when I open the file in V10 (which was recorded using V11 when it crashed) the audio content can be properly imported and is audible. So apparently there is a problem with the ASIO driver (the audio settings in V10 and V11 are identical) - especially in V11. What can I do to make this more stable?
    BTW: Both WaveLab versions and Windows 11 are updated to the latest release.

Apart from that: Is there a tool to do a complete and clean uninstall of WaveLab including all registry settings and whatever might be left from older installations?

Sorry to keep bothering you :slight_smile:
Best regards, David

Concerning RAW file import, this procedure depends on the settings in the dialog box. This could explain why you have different results in WaveLab 10 and 11 (if I understand you). I am not sure the ASIO driver can have an impact.

WaveLab does not write in the registry. To completely uninstall, just delete the root of the program folder and the root of the preferences.

Thank you!
The RAW import settings were identical.