Retain 8.5 Key Commands and Macros?

Is there a way to have my 8.5 Key Commands and Macros appear in Cubase 9?

They should automatically transfer over. If not, save them in your profile in version 8.5 and import the profile into 9.

I can’t. Cubase says my XML file is not a KEY file. All I see is an XML file with the name “My Keyboard Shortcuts” and it won’t import.

Are you exporting your profile from the profile manager?

Here’s a workaround. Out of the box, the appData/Roaming/Steinberg/Cubase9/Presets folder does not have a subfolder KeyCommands. Once you save a custom KC set in C9 (any dummy will do), this folder is automatically created. You can then paste the xml file from your corresponding Cubase 8.x/Presets (the one you want to transfer) in to that folder, and the KC set will become available in C9.

GregOndo, Thanks, that worked! Now I have my plugin presets, preferences and key commands! I didn’t understand who that worked, it’s actually quite elegant. Thanks again for you you help!

delgado, thanks for your reply.