Reusing templates?

Question: Modifying and using an existing template in a score.

IF the template is being used in a score and the template is modified, does the score automatically update with the template? If not, how do i update the score for the revised template?

Are you talking about page templates or project templates?

If you modify a page template within a project, the layouts that use that template will update automatically (except for pages that have manual overrides on them).

If you modify a project template on disk, projects which were created from that template are not modified – project templates are only read at the time of project creation. However, you can use the Library Manager to compare the settings of the template and the project and copy changes into the project.

Hi, yes project templates.

I’ll just copy over to the score.

I need to read about Page templates now that you mentioned it.
Thankx You and Happy New Year

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