Somehow the reverb in my UR44c is receiving a signal from Cubase and reverb is all over instruments when I don’t want it…please can anyone tell me how to turn it off …cannot figure it out at all…
So I turned off the fx busses which were active and the reverb stopped…but, when I re opened the project the fx busses were active again, so turned them off again, the apply button is greyed out so cannot make it stick…however, when I turn them off…ie remove the tick, they still say active, they should say inactive…is this software a bit iffy?
Which fx busses in which software? Cubase?
That is Cubase!
It is not the UR44C.
Did you ever use the dspMixFX software?
OH…I thought it was the UR44C…I use the dsp mixFX for monitoring a vocal when recording but I don’t record the reverb…
thanks for the interest mate!