日出东方 (Ri Chu Dong Fang)



:sunglasses: :wink:

好的音乐… :slight_smile:

可能会有点让人厌烦,如果我们说汉语而告终 on this forum… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Wǒ tóngyì

Xie xie ni :sunglasses:

búyòng xiè…Kevin

used some English because not everyone can speak Chinese like us two cool dudes :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: some of my text got mixed up in the quote…damn!! :blush:

Very pretty and a nice blend of East & West. Great choice of instrumentation.
My only (minor) criticism was the volume that the percussion came in at - as in full on! It broke the nice mood. Perhaps it would have been nice to bring it in, volume wise, a bit more gently.