right/clic on PLUG parameter show automation Track


happy to find that feature i was looking for. just clic on a parameter and “reveal” it.
Problem it also reveals all automation tracks…
i have 20 automation lane. i right clic on one parameter of a plug in and select :
“Show “parameter” Automation Track”
then all automation lane are displayed from that track making it useless. Or at least similar to “Automation - Show used automation”
does this do the same for you ?


It depends on the plug-in. This feature has been implemented for VST3 standard. So if you are using VST2.4 plug-in, there is some kind of hack/workaround, which might not work as expected.

On the VST3 plug-in, there is a straight way to do so. If it’s implemented correctly, you should be able to right-click to the parameter and choose Show “ParameterName” Automation Track.