Right-click dropdown menu

I must say that I’m a bit disappointed that you changed right-click dropdown menu in the main project window!
It is true that it was too cluttered with too much items in previous versions, but now it is almost unusable for some of us. It’s lacking some functions that should be there.
You can’t just predict what will users need there and drop everything else out, just to make it look nicer. We all have different workflows.
I agree that it needed change, but when you decided to rework it why didn’t you just make it customizable so that we can pick what option is included in this menu?

Right-click menu was always bridge between using shortcuts and using menus. You know your regular shortcuts and if you need some other function you had to search it in the menus. And right-click had that “here’s it” moment so, though very cluttered, it was perfect if wanting to avoid browsing menus.

Please consider expanding it in future updates!
If we could choose what to have there would be fantastic!


200% agreed

Yes, at least the MIDI editors should be on there - especially as the drum editor doesn’t have a default shortcut key.


So what menu items are you missing, in what context?

There’s a big thread about this subject in the General forum. I added a post there for people to actually specify their needs.
It’s found here:

I also added a couple of other suggestions:

  • Add option in preference: “Add Toolbar on Right-Click”: the Context menu will also have the Toolbar included (both simultaneously).
  • Add option in preference: “Add Extended menu on Right-Click” : some more menu items will be added to the Context menu.
    (In addition to some menu items that may be brought back to the main Context menu, there could also optional be additional menu items in the Extended menu to be included for those who wants that, but the rest can still have a shorter Context menu.)

But you need to specify specifically what they need to bring back. Let’s discuss in that other thread, so it’s not split up between different threads.
Then we can add the conclusions here.