Room for key sig. and clefs


Is there a way to tell Dorico not to make room for the key signatures in the other parts of the score? The same thing happens with clef changes. I found a setting that “ignores” them in multi-bar rest situations but I’m trying to get rid of the space only in the score.

Hi @joonas,
one way to obtain this is locally and manually reducing the spacing between the first note and the barline in Engrave mode > Note Spacing (it makes only sense if the staff with the key change, or all the other staves, have full bar rest):



Thanks for you reply!
My point was without doing it manually. In your example, the bar rest for the violin remains off-center.
Yes, the manual adjustments are always an option but more like “as a last resort”

You can offset the bar rest using ther Common section of Properties Panel. I think that a global setting doesn’t make sense here: how should Dorico draw the vertical alignments if the bar with different key signature has also music in it, but the rest of the music starts vertically way on the left?
So in this case I think manual adjustments are required (but I may miss some other option)
Here the manual offsetting of the whole bar rest:

Another approach could be to use Before first note in new instrument for the transition position, and when the Xylophone enters, re-enter the global key signature for all other staves as well, to avoid the awkward spacing: