Run Cubase 11 pro after updating from 8.5

Hello! I’ve upgraded from 8.5 pro to 12 Pro. Unforunately I have to keep one mac under Mojave.Is it possible to use 11Pro without buying the old licence?

What does your Elicenser say is still on the USB dongle?


If you update from Cubase Pro 8.5 to Cubase Pro 12, the license on the USB-eLicenser should update to Cubase 11 Pro (Not upgradable). If you can see this license in the eLCC, you can start Cubase 11 Pro with the USB-eLicenser.

Thank’s a lot!
Will I be able to use Steinberg licensing?


Yes. Every Cubase 12 license is using the new Steinberg licensing: Steinberg Activation Manager.