Hi - is this possible? TO run Dorico without installing the included soundlibaries and just using any other libaries?
It seemed to me that the installation of the soundlibaries that come along with Dorico is mandatory in order to make Dorico start at all. Am I missing something?
Yes that is certainly possible, the only drawback is that you cannot hear anything, I do not use any soundlibrary (I have installed just one default sound via Sforzando), I use only the notation/engraving features.
Which other libraries are possible I do not know…
YES it is.
I have latest Dorico Pro installed with no extras.
I am using NotePerformer, Pianoteq and sometimes Organteq.
I am getting enough sound and can hear something.
The question was: if @Elien can use other libraries and get sound, The answer is yes,
Thank you so far. I was confused because upon start of the application, dorico reported an issue with the sound engine… which was solved by installing the sound libaries that come along with Dorico…
Maybe I missed something?
Currently I see another issue, that is double exclamation points to the left and the right of the entry “Halion Sonic” in the playback mode… what does that mean?
If you set the default playback template to Silence it won’t be looking for the included sounds
Hi all- thank you for your kind assistance.
Now I also managed to have the exclamation points “removed” and everything working just fine. I simply reinstalled Halion Sonic.
COncering my original quesiton all your information was really helpful. Thx!!!