Running external fx/direct routing - cant mute tracks and monitor only the return effected signal

i use cubase 13 pro. im using two .vst guitar instruments and want to use my boss core mult-fx as external fx. im using a roland octacapture audio interface and im monitoring using headphones plugged into the headphone jack on the front. im routed out channel 3 & 4 into the boss pedal, then out the boss pedal into input 1 & 2 on the octacapture. i tried a bunch of things and i cant seem to get the original/unaffected guitar to mute. i just want to hear the return signal/effected guitar sound. seems simple, i can usually figure these things out but im stuck. when i mute the tracks the return signal mutes, same when i bring the faders down. i tried external fx and direct routing as well. i also went into preferences and unchecked “mute pre-send when mute”. had the sends set to pre-fader and lost signal when muting. its not suppose to do that. im missing something simple, maybe with cubase, maybe with the octacapture. i think ideally i would like to be able to record the effected signal coming from the boss multi-fx and monitor only that effected signal as well.

Hi there and welcome to the forums!

If you configure your Boss Core inputs and outputs as an External FX in Cubase, place that External FX as an insert on the dry guitar track.
If you for some reason have to use sends, which are not ideal when you want the effect to be 100% wet, then make sure the send is pre fader and that fader is turned all the way down.

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so i first switched to outputs 5 & 6, same issue, but then i pulled up the mixer app for my Roland octacapture interface and found where the issue was. i pulled the two faders down to zero in the monitoring section for those tracks, and now i can only hear the return signal from the boss. the interface has custom monitoring features i’ve never messed with, cool! issue is resolved.

This is direct monitoring which allows you to hear input latency free for recording. (But without any FX loaded in the DAW)
Useful to have now you know how to bypass it.

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