Sample Start/End in Macro Page?

Yes thanks, I see, no problem I just added the two lines I added in the previous script and it works great! Thanks a lot for your help!

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I have clicks and pops when I loop a grain zone, I tried all possible solutions, crossfading the loop and adding a fade in and fade out to the sample but I continue to have those clicks and pops.
Any idea how I can avoid them? My instrument is completely useless with those clicks and pops!
This is the modified script that Iā€™m using, as you can see when I change the sample start and end points the loop start and end point change accordingly.

But The problem is NOT the script, I tried also building a simple instrument with a grain zone, setting the same values for the sample start/end points and the loop start/end points and I have the same problem. This problem is not happening in padshop.

local zones = this.parent:findZones()

zoneNames = {}
for i = 1, #zones do
    zoneNames[i] = zones[i].name

function zoneSelectChanged()
    scope = "@0:"..zones[ZoneSelect].name.."/"

defineParameter("ZoneSelect", nil, 1, zoneNames, zoneSelectChanged)
defineParameter("scope", nil, "")
defineParameter("SampleStart", nil, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff, 1)
defineParameter("SampleEnd", nil, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff, 1)
defineParameter("Filename", nil, "", function() onFilenameChanged() end)
defineParameter("PitchDetectionProgress", nil, 0, 0, 100)
defineParameter("PitchDetection", nil, false)

function sampleStartChanged()
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleStart", SampleStart)
zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SustainLoopStartA", SampleStart) 
   if SampleEnd < SampleStart then
        SampleEnd = SampleStart
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd", SampleEnd)

function sampleEndChanged()
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd", SampleEnd)
zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SustainLoopEndA", SampleEnd) 
   if SampleStart > SampleEnd then
        SampleStart = SampleEnd
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleStart", SampleStart)

function setRootkey(sample)
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    local pitch, voiced = sample:getPitch(0, -1)
    if voiced and voiced then
        local rootkey, detune = math.modf(pitch)
        if detune >= 0.5 then
            rootkey = rootkey + 1
            detune = detune - 1
        detune = math.floor((detune * 100) + 0.5)
        print(pitch, voiced, rootkey, detune)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.Rootkey", rootkey)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.Tune", detune)

function keyTextFromSampleName(st)
    local notes = {c = 0, d = 2, e = 4, f = 5, g = 7, a = 9, b = 11}
    local mn = {}
    st = string.match(st, "([^\\/]+)%.%a+$")
    for k, s, n in string.gmatch(st, "[_%-%s]([A-Ga-g])(%#?)(%-?%d)") do
        if k and n then
            local midinn = notes[string.lower(k)] + (s == "#" and 1 or 0) + (n + 2) * 12
            table.insert(mn, midinn)
            print(k, s, n, midinn)
    return mn[#mn]

function onFilenameChanged()
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    local sample =
    if sample.valid then
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.Filename", sample.fileName)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleStart", 0)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd", sample.length)
        -- sample start and end parameters
        defineParameter("SampleStart", nil, 0, 0, sample.length, 1, sampleStartChanged)
        defineParameter("SampleEnd", nil, 0, 0, sample.length, 1, sampleEndChanged)
        SampleStart = 0
        SampleEnd = sample.length
        -- rootkey and detune
        local rootKey = keyTextFromSampleName(sample.fileName)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.Rootkey", rootKey or 60)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.Tune", sample.detune or 0)
        if not rootKey and PitchDetection then
            while sample:getPitchAnalysisProgress() < 1 do
                PitchDetectionProgress = sample:getPitchAnalysisProgress() * 100
            PitchDetectionProgress = 0        

function getSampleLength()
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    local fn = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
    local sample =
    if sample.valid then
        defineParameter("SampleStart", nil, 0, 0, sample.length, 1, sampleStartChanged)
        defineParameter("SampleEnd", nil, 0, 0, sample.length, 1, sampleEndChanged)
        SampleStart = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.SampleStart")
        SampleEnd = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd")    

function onLoad()

function onNote(e)
    playNote(e.note, e.velocity, -1, zones[ZoneSelect])

Itā€™s probably because the loop points are not at zero crossing. If the fades and crossfades donā€™t help this could be a problem.

Iā€™m still experimenting but it looks like disabling ā€œSnapā€ and enabling ā€œSnap to zero crossingā€ improve a lot the clicks and pops problem

Hi, Iā€™m trying to modify this script so that when I move the start and end points of the sample they snap to a 1/32 grid instead of moving freely, any suggestions on how I can do this?

I would try to calculate how many samples is 1/32. Assuming the sampling rate is 48 kHz and tempo is 120bpm it should be 3000. Then round the sample start/end to multiples of whatever the 1/32 is (3000 in this case).

ā€œThanks for the reply! Iā€™ve tried several methods, but none seem to work quite right. The best approach I have so far involves using the plus/minus buttons to snap the start and end points to the grid. This code works perfectly for the StartStepPlus and StartStepMinus buttonsā€”the start point snaps precisely to the grid, even when I change the tempo. However, as soon as I use the EndStepMinus and EndStepPlus buttons, everything gets messed up. The EndStepPlus button also doesnā€™t work at all.
Does anyone know why itā€™s working perfectly for the Start buttons but not for the End buttons?ā€

local layer = this.parent
local zones = this.parent:findZones()

zoneNames = {}
for i = 1, #zones do
    zoneNames[i] = zones[i].name

function zoneSelectChanged()
    scope = "@0:Layer 01/@0:"..zones[ZoneSelect].name.."/"

defineParameter("ZoneSelect", nil, 1, zoneNames, zoneSelectChanged)
defineParameter("scope", nil, "")
defineParameter("SampleStart", nil, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff, 1)
defineParameter("SampleEnd", nil, 0, 0, 0x7fffffff, 1)
defineParameter("Filename", nil, "", function() onFilenameChanged() end)
-- New parameters for plus/minus switches
defineParameter("StartStepPlus", "Start +1/16", false, nil, function() stepStart(1) end)
defineParameter("StartStepMinus", "Start -1/16", false, nil, function() stepStart(-1) end)
defineParameter("EndStepPlus", "End +1/16", false, nil, function() stepEnd(1) end)
defineParameter("EndStepMinus", "End -1/16", false, nil, function() stepEnd(-1) end)

-- Calculate the size of one 1/16th step
function getGridStep(totalLength)
    return math.max(1, math.floor(totalLength / 16))

-- Function to step the start position
function stepStart(direction)
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    local totalLength = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd")
    local gridStep = getGridStep(totalLength)
    -- Calculate new position
    local newStart = SampleStart + (gridStep * direction)
    -- Ensure we stay within bounds
    newStart = math.max(0, newStart)
    newStart = math.min(newStart, SampleEnd)
    -- Update parameters
    SampleStart = newStart
    zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleStart", SampleStart)
    zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SustainLoopStartA", SampleStart)

-- Function to step the end position
function stepEnd(direction)
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    local totalLength = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd")
    local gridStep = getGridStep(totalLength)
    -- Calculate new position for SampleEnd
    local newEnd = SampleEnd + (gridStep * direction)
    -- Ensure we stay within bounds
    newEnd = math.max(SampleStart, newEnd) -- End point shouldn't be before start
    newEnd = math.min(newEnd, totalLength)  -- End point shouldn't exceed sample length
    -- Update parameters
    SampleEnd = newEnd
    zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd", SampleEnd)
    zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SustainLoopEndA", SampleEnd)

function onFilenameChanged()
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    local sample =
    if sample.valid then
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.Filename", sample.fileName)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleStart", 0)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd", sample.length)
        -- Define sample start and end parameters
        defineParameter("SampleStart", nil, 0, 0, sample.length, 1)
        defineParameter("SampleEnd", nil, sample.length, 0, sample.length, 1)
        SampleStart = 0
        SampleEnd = sample.length
        -- Set the sustain loop points
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SustainLoopStartA", SampleStart)
        zone:setParameter("SampleOsc.SustainLoopEndA", SampleEnd)

function getSampleLength()
    local zone = zones[ZoneSelect]
    local fn = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.Filename")
    local sample =
    if sample.valid then
        defineParameter("SampleStart", nil, 0, 0, sample.length, 1)
        defineParameter("SampleEnd", nil, sample.length, 0, sample.length, 1)
        SampleStart = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.SampleStart")
        SampleEnd = zone:getParameter("SampleOsc.SampleEnd")

function onLoad()

function onNote(e)
    playNote(e.note, e.velocity, -1, zones[ZoneSelect])