What is the exact process for setting up
satallite users for Dorico and SmartScore Pro 64?
Sorry for my ignorance @Don_H_Shawver , but what are “satellite users”?
Dorico Pro 5 license allows up to 3 separate users with the same license. I.e satallite users.
Hope this helps
It isn’t three users with the same license, it allows one user to have it activated on three computers.
All you should have to do is sign in to the same user account in the Steinberg Download Assistant and everything should be handled automatically. You don’t have to enter any codes or anything like that manually, aside from logging in with your Steinberg username and password in the Download Assistant.
More infos here:
For multiuser licensing (as in classrooms etc.), see here (I suggest to kontakt Steinberg, or write here in the Forum, if you need support with this):
And here the Software End User License Agreement
Also see this post: