I am wondering if it is possible to create a custom instrument and determine the sound I want with it.
I.e I have a synth I really like and want to save it as a custom instrument so that I can pull it up easily with out having to select the vst in play mode each time. Is this possible?
Hi @bmoriak, yes is possible and very well doable.
Here the steps:
- after opening Dorico, create a new empty project
- create a new instrument from menu Library/Instruments, clicking on the +, and setting your instrument as desired (assign it to a Family, rename it, etc). Click the star symbol to save as default
- in Setup mode create a new Player and assign the instrument to it.
- go in Play mode and load your VST in the VST and MIDI panel
- assign your VST to your instrument in the Track Inspector panel
- from the Track Inspector panel edit the Expression map (that probably will be Default), and assign the desired values (for example CC11 or CC7 for volume as secondary dynamic). Or create a new expression map with the desired settings, and load it to the instrument
- click on the gear icon to see the Endpoint configuration (that unifies the VST with the expression map), limit the Nr. of midi channels to 1, rename it as desired and save the Endpoint Configuration
- from menu Play/Playback Templates, select your main Playback template (the one that you use for all other instruments), and duplicate it.
- rename it appropriately
- add, with Add manual, your created endpoint configuration, and using the arrow icons put it on top of the list
- click ok, and with this new PT selected, click on Apply and Close
- now when you load your custom instrument in Setup, the Playback template will assign the correct VST (synth or whatever) to it. You can set the Playback Template to be your default PT in Dorico’s Preferences.
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Awesome thank you so much!