Saved changes reappear

In a large work, I removed second voice rests in the woodwinds when only one voice was playing. Then saved the Dorico file. In choral parts, I made sure that the lyrics all were in the Italic font. Then I saved the Dorico file and went to bed. Next day, I reviewed the file and discovered all the previously removed rests had returned, and the Italic choral parts had reverted to Roman font. I had to redo everything. Is there no one out there that is experienced with choral music that can direct me? I have an SATB chorus plus a solo tenor. The soloist’s text is entirely Roman. The four chorus lines are supposed to be all Italic. But I make the SATB parts all-Italic but when I save the project, in some of the parts, the text reverts to Roman. It also happens when I print the project to a pdf file. When I open the pdf, parts of the chorus have also changed back to Roman. The manual is no help on this subject. There are two ways to change the font: 1) Use Shift-L, change the line number to “c” and type the text. Are you supposed to enter the chorus text one page at a time, or all at once from the beginning of the piece to the end? Is each vocal part (SATB) supposed to get a separate line number (1,2,3,4)? Are you supposed to first enter Roman text for all parts—that way you can change the line numbers for each part—then go back and use the Change Lyrics right click to select “Line” and then choose Chorus at the bottom. I have tried all different methods but I cannot either save or print the project with the right fonts in the right places. Expert needed!

This may be a stupid question but did you close the program completely?

It looks as if you’ve saved the file in another location and reopened the original file…
The lyrics numbered lines are meant for different verses, certainly not different voices.
I’d like to help but would need to see the file (or pictures of it!)
Do you know how condensing works (for your woodwinds)?
I probably wouldn’t use condensing for the vocal stuff. But there are different ways of having them display in italics (and put them into Chorus line is indeed a good one)

Daniel—I save the Dorico project file frequently, during the changes, then exit the program.

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Marc—I have attached the latest pdf file of the project. You can still see in the SATB chorus parts how some of Italic fonts revert back to Roman (beginning on page 8). The solo tenor, however, remains Roman throughout. I know that the numbered lines can be used for different verses. But I was trying all sorts of things to solve this font problem. Let me know if the pdf works for you. Thanks for your help with this. It’s driving me crazy!
Peter Quince.pdf (2.1 MB)