Saving project after finding missing files

I’ve had a couple of projects with missing files. Tired of finding the files again. I now have it up and want to save it
somehow and have all the audio files follow it to a new location. How is this done?

File/Back up project.

Actually once you have located the files

Media/Missing Files


Media/Prepare Archive

This will import the files into your project folder.

Thanks. Thought it was Backup Project, but this was quite helpful:

Actually once you have located the files

Media/Missing Files


Media/Prepare Archive

This will import the files into your project folder.

Yeah, Back-Up Project is the way to go. Gives you an option to only save files that are a part of the current project you want to back up. Gives you all the options to re-name, save-to location, etc. Consolidates everything to the new location of your choosing.

Well I have been caught out before dragging and dropping audio files from a memory stick. Of course when I take the memory stick out the next time I load the project the files are reported missing. I try to remember to Prepare Archive.

It is also important to do if you are using a lot of files from various parts of your computer drives. Prepare Archive will copy all the audio files you use that are outside the project folder to be ready to be moved to another computer. The first time I upgraded my computer I had a number of projects emasculated by missing files.