Saving script doesn't work

Ispired by Ben’s tutorial I tried to create a script. Everything went smoothly till saving it. I got the message below and whatever I did Dorico has been frozen.

I know this isn’t a bug related to Dorico, but please help me what should I change on my computer to solve it. Many thanks.

“Save As”
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Dorico5\r.lua
You cannot save the file to this location. You can obtain the necessary permission from the system administrator.

Would you like to save the file to the “kapos” folder instead?
Yes / No / Cancel

You can save it to wherever you like (if you have permissions)

There is some magic! Last night it didn’t worked at all, and was struggling a lot. Now I’ve saved the macro created recently to desktop and it works nicely! Thank you:)