Hello All
Is it Possible in Dorico 5 Pro to write Scale Names Like Chord Names in a Popover, and can they be transposed and transformed?
Thank you very much for answering
Hello All
Is it Possible in Dorico 5 Pro to write Scale Names Like Chord Names in a Popover, and can they be transposed and transformed?
Thank you very much for answering
Hi @Reto_Byell,
if you write ddor in the popup you have D Dor. etc.
You can also have the normal written chords showed as modes, from the Properties Panel in Engrave mode, and you have some global options from Engraving options:
In the Dorico Popovers PDF, on Page 8 you have all the possibilities (just enter the first three letters of the mode after the chord root):
Wow that’s great thank you very much