This is yet another example of the idiotic display issues in the new score area. When I display this MIDI part in one track, it displays on a single barline. After I copied and pasted this part to another track now I have two barlines. How do I get the display back to a single bar line?
I presume you are referring to the staves, and that the new track displays a grand staff, rather than a sigle staff. I do not see any improper double barlines.
Those of us who use the Score Editor are still getting used to everything, and features are quite different than the old one
It would pay to spend time learning how it works, since it has no trace of anything from the legacy editor.
For example, the track you copied to is set to an instrument that would usually have a grand staff, so you can change the instrument type to one that does use a single staff.
Staff type:
As I said in another post some of us think the legacy score editor is a lot better than this abomination that I’m having to use now. What is the point of taking away perfectly good functionality that previously existed. In no way is the score editor and improvement.