Score Editor Clef Display Issue

In the new Score Editor changing a cleft does not change the position of the notes. See the attached screenshot.

I tried the 8 bass clef and found it didn’t work.
If you want to ‘8va’, see the very last entry on the Clefs side panel.

It’s a little difficult to manipulate. Carefully select the circle at the edge of the bracket and then drag it to the desired position.

Currently, octave clefs don’t transpose. There are historical reasons for this, and these posts give an overview for it:

However, we know that Cubase users do expect octave clefs to transpose, so I’ve added this on our list to look at for the future.

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However, we know that Cubase users do expect octave clefs to transpose, so I’ve added this on our list to look at for the future.

This is the third example of a function that was available in all previous versions of the score editor. The other two are the explode function and how the score editor displays notes that are out of range. What I really do not understand is why the Steinberg developers capriciously removed these functions that were available previously. Having managed systems available organizations for years, I know that the mentality is to throw out the old code and develop new modules. What they really need to do is go back and integrate existing code from the old score editor into the new one. IMO the new score editor is a giant step backward in functionality.

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…and there are many more examples, if you look for them.

I loved the old editor and was gutted when I first saw the new one, however after working with it and taking the time to learn what’s there, I am liking it more and more.

If you wait, you will see many things being added to the feature list. The team has a modern, collaborative style and are directly accessible in the forum, and they read every post tagged with score-editor Be a little patient and you will see.

You can always go back to C13 for a while in the meantime.

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