Score editor - marker track in score

When I try to put the markers in the marker track into my 3-stave score, it inaccurately positions the markers. It puts in 3 markers (converting my marker number to a letter) for each stave but offsets them by about 2 staves down the page. Anyone else experience this?

The documentation says:

Marker Track to Form
If you have created markers in the Project window which denote the start of each new “section” in your music (verse, bridge, chorus, etc.), you can automatically transfer these markers into the current layout.
Open the Scores menu, open the Advanced Layout submenu and select “Marker Track to Form”.
Now, rehearsal marks and double bar lines are inserted in the score, at the position of each marker.
If you want the names of the markers shown as well, open the Advanced Layout submenu again and select “Display Markers”.

Perhaps a picture might help.