To learn a piano piece, I would like to briefly switch the violin or bass line (or left or right hand) to solo (directly in the score editor).
Alternatively, I have now copied the midi part twice, deleted the upper and lower notes and switched to a single staff (violin or bass).
However, this is quite complicated, especially if notes have to be moved to the other system.
Hi and welcome to the forum,
You can use the Solo Editor feature.
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Thanks. This allows me to play midi for vocals and/or piano.
But I want to ONLY play the violin notes OR the bass notes for left and right hand practice.
Is there a way for this?
No, solo only works on the entire track. The approach you described in your first post is probably the quickest way to solo left/right hand contents individually.
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It would be a great feature if you had a mute switch in front of each staff (violin and bass) in the score editor, which excludes all the notes it contains when played. That would be very helpful and certainly not difficult to implement.