Score Editor question - getting started

I have a project with 4 instrument tracks. 2 of the four tracks have some midi. When I open the score editor, I only see the two tracks that have the midi, and not the other two - is that correct?

How do I (from the Score editor) insert one of the other empty tracks so I can write some notes in there and then see them in the cubase tracks? Does it not work this way?

In the leftmost area (Visibility) you can check the tracks that should be visible.

My point was that the other tracks are NOT there to select and display.
You can see here that two tracks are not in the score editor.

It looks like there are no MIDI parts on the tracks not displayed in the score editor, not even empty ones. But these are needed because you cannot write MIDI notes directly on the project window. So if you create empty MIDI parts with the pen tool or by double-clicking, they should also be visible in the score editor afterwards.

That is correct, the tracks were empty. I guess that I can drop some midi in there to get the tracks to appear, and make the changes. I will try that.