Score: How to delete a font set?

Can anyone tell me how to delete a particular score font attribute set? Can’t find it in manual or help. (Has been fixed in Cubase 4.1 bug 3868 :slight_smile: , but I believe font sets were stored outside the project file at that time)

As far as I can tell it can’t be done in the UI (anymore?)
You can do it by editing the settings xml:

  • Saved all project score settings to disk.
  • opened the settings.xml and searched for the “Font Sets” node.
  • deleted the item node not wanted anymore.
  • decreased the list item count in the list item count node.
  • load the project score settings xml from disk again.

(See picture.)

I figured it out finally… If you click on the drop down menu, then ctrl-click on the preset name you want to delete. A pop-up asks you to confirm. (still you have to make sure it was not the preset selected before you opened the drop down.)

Wow! thx!