Score tab view - displays two notes per string

I noticed that tab view in score is showing error display for guitar fingerings such as;

  • two notes per string when there is plenty of options still make all notes fit

Obviously it’s not going to be perfect depending what you try to read but clearly it should not be showing like this with such simple notation.


  • create midi track and polyphonic guitar part between E2-E6 (eg.)
  • open score editor for that midi part, open settings, enable tablature view.

no options I could find to try and resolve the display conflict.

Another easy example of tablature bug, moved one note below the tab range.

Personally, I wouldn’t consider either of these bugs at all. Tablature is about fingerings, and it’s not really music notation.

It’s up the the user to decide which string should be stopped for a particular note, and definitely not up the program to place limits on it.