Score won't make multi measure rests after start of music

Could someone take a look at this? I can’t figure out what could be causing this. If I only have the pizz bass part (only a couple bars), I’ll still get multi measure rests afterwards to the end of the score. But as soon as I include Arco, all rests afterwards no longer consolidate to multi-rests.

This is from a larger orchestration, but even as bare bones as this, I’m having this problem. Is there some sort of parameter I have enabled, some kind of signpost that could come off of the Arco bass that would prevent rest consolidation?

rests problem.dorico (1.7 MB)

The arco PT in bar 116 continues all the way to the next note (bar 125) and beyond. This prevents the bars in between from consolidating. Delete the arco and re-enter it. Make sure that you select only the note where it starts, not the whole passage to which the arco will apply. To view the extent of a Playing Technique, select it and, in Properties > Playing Techniques, set Continuation Type to Line.

rests problem (ed).dorico (1.7 MB)


Ahhhh!! I forgot that arcos can have assigned durations. Even if I had, I dunno that I would have thought about it preventing rest consolidation.

Thank you!