Scroll Wheel direction behaviour / Cubase 11.0.10

Thank you for fixing this!!!

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Thanks for the fix!

Thanks for fixing it!

I want this feature so bad especially coming from other DAWs I still find myself attempting to do this in Cubase. I would love for them to make this feature at use with the scroll wheel. It’s a much better workflow.

sorry I might repeating what others already told, but I updated from Cubase 6 to Cubase 10.5 and I’ve been using Cubase since forever, the zoom in / out behaviour (command + 2 fingers up or down on my trackpad) is inverted, I’ve been trying to use it like that since the 10.5 release but obviously, since I’ve been using that command for about 10 years my brain can’t reverse the way it worked even if I tried, is it possible to fix it without having to buy a new update? thanks

@Matthias_Quellmann so you got horizontal scrolling fixed for apple to be consistent with the OS’ scrolling behaviour?

When comes Windows? its time! just flip that bloody bit in that scrolling-routine! we are whining for years now. and our brains take damage every time we scroll in the wrong direction. you simply can not get used to such. think of driving a different car every hour and only one of them has the steering wheel reversed while changing gears.


Hi I’m sorry but changing the Mac OS trackpad scroll behaviour did not solve the horizontal zoom direction in Cubase.