Anyone willing to share their best practices for turning PDF scores into Dorico files? I’m particularly interested in ways to import classical music files with a lot of complex rhythms (e.g. this Schubert piece).
Minimal error correction or deletion in Soundslice
Export as music xml
Import into Dorico
For simple pieces, the flow works great and can be very fast and efficient.
However, the process is really a problem for complex pieces. Dorico seems “error intolerant” and typically generates gibberish after a number of bars (e.g. image below). Both SoundSlice and MuseScore can usually import a larger fraction of the files as readable music but their editing environment is nowhere near that of Dorico. In these cases, I either try to salvage bits and pieces in Dorico and then fill in or just give up completely and start with an empty Dorico file. I’m a flutist and not a pianist, so this can be pretty slow and painful.
OMG. PlayScore 2 did an outstanding job and produced a Dorico score with very high accuracy! The OMR results are a huge, huge improvement over Soundslice. Did you do anything to massage the data or OMR process?
Interestingly, I started this project over a year ago and PlayScore was one of the first things that I tried. I still have it on my iPhone. For some reason, I abandoned it in favor of Soundslice.
Based on your results, I just purchased an annual subscription for PlayScore 2 Professional. I’ll post an update as soon as I test it with a few recent problematic scores.
In any case, thank you so much. This is why I love this forum and Dorico.
No OMR does really work with handwritten music (nor bad scans)… At least that’s my experience!
Maybe some AI-fueled app could do that, but I’m afraid it’s a niche nobody cares about (except us).