I was about to change the size of the fingerings since they appeared to be too small for my liking. But then I discovered that there are differences in sizes within the same font (or at least that what it looks like). The number 2 is okay but number 4 seems smaller. I’ve changed the screenshot size to 50% to make the difference more like what it looks like in the score. It’s clear that the first number is 2 but the second one could be 1 or 4.
I haven’t yet had time to learn how to change the fingerings font. But I just came to think of that it might be a font issue and if I change it to Times New Roman (which I actually would prefer) then it might not be an issue any more?
The numerals are the same size, which you can see if you put them over the same notes, add lines, and zoom in.
There’s a kind of optical illusion here, in that the 4 has a very narrow counter (the white triangular space in the middle), which I think makes it look more compact than it is and which tends to collapse at small sizes, making it look like it could be a 1. This effect may also be amplified when the 4 sits on a staff line.
To me the 2 seems bigger on your image too, although the height is the same. It must be the font then. I’d say the width proportions are wrong. The 4 is “compressed” and the 2 is “expanded”.
They actually take up the same amount of horizontal space as well! As I said, it’s a kind of optical illusion that makes the 4 look smaller. I think the 4 could be redesigned to lessen this effect.
Dorico uses “Bold Font” to mean “SMuFL music font” and “Plain Font” to mean “a standard text font” in the Engraving options.
Setting to “Bold Font” uses the Fingering Font; and setting to “Plain Font” uses the Fingering Text Font.
There are all kinds of optical illusions in type. For instance, most circles are taller than they are wide, because a perfect circle actually looks squished.
Yes Tomas, the problem is I don’t know what default font is used by D5 for fingering: bold font is not Academico, while plain font is the Fingering text font, by default Academico… Just compare the 2 and 4 when you choose bold font in Engrave Options.
One solution could be defining bold the fingering text font and choosing plain in engrave.