Hi! Just seeing if there is a way to select all in one instrument/player while on a full score layout. My workaround has been to go to that particular player’s layout and select all. Changing parameters on the specific instrument’s layout does not necessarily change the parameters on the full score.
Example: I’d like to change the count appearance on slash regions only on the drum part. If I:
- Go to the drum set layout and select all
- filter to slash regions only
- adjust the count appearance
the count appearance is only adjusted within the scope of the drum layout, not the full score. Admittedly just a couple extra clicks to deal with that - but I feel I must be missing something on how to select all on one player/instrument in a full score layout. yes? Even zooming all the way out and trying to use the select tool to “rope” it all in won’t work, as the project is too long to fit on the screen even when fully zoomed out. (Of course that approach is clunky and I know there must be something better.)