Selecting partial note

Hi, I’d like to select only a part of a duration (i.e. I have a two whole notes tied and I want to select the first one to add a crescendo to this one only.) How can I only select the first whole note? I know I can adjust the length and placement of the crescendo afterward, but it’s not as efficient.


In Dorico, tied notes are, in essence, considered one rhythmic entity. The tie is just a notation device accommodating a long note value in the surrounding metre. This principle is something that needs to get used to. It’s strange at first, but very clever.
Normally, when adding a gradual dynamic to a long note, Dorico assumes you want it to be the full length of the note (which is quite often the case, after all). After inputting the <, you can shorten it with ShiftAlt along the rhythmic grid.
Alternatively, you might temporarily untie the notes (U), then add the hairpin to the first note, then tie them again (T).

You don’t need to select a note to add a hairpin to it. Double click the staff, not the note, at the position at which you want to add the hairpin, type Shift-, (which is <) to initiate the hairpin, then hit Space to give it length. Hitting Space repeatedly will extend it by whatever the rhythmic grid is set to (bottom left corner). Note that the hairpin will not appear at all until you’ve hit Space at least once. Alternatively, having typed Shift-, use the arrow keys to get to where you want the hairpin to end, again noting that nothing will yet have appeared by way of a hairpin, and then type Shift-/ (?) to confirm the hairpin (at this point it’ll show) orShift-D to initiate the dynamics popover to input an immediate dynamic (e.g. mf).

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Thank you so much, that’s very helpful!

Thank you! that’s very helpful!