Selecting ties and/or tied notes?

Working with ties and dynamics was a little confusing for me at the beginning, coming from Sibelius, but now it’s very simple. It just needs a change of thinking how to work with them.

I add dynamics in the middle of a tie chain by double clicking on an empty spot in the staff (not on any object) where I want a dynamic to start to enter input mode and then shift-D to open the dynamic popover window. To split a tie in the middle of a tie chain, I double click the same way where I want to untie and hit the letter u.

Imagine a String Quartet, The viola has tied notes reaching into bar 5, The other parts don’t have any tied notes.
There is no simple way currently to select the beginning of bar 5 and just enter shift+D “p<f” for all parts at once.

Would it be possible (besides the Hand or Marquee Tool) to introduce another tool for “selecting bars” ? Dorico would have to figure out that by using this new tool the dynamics should be automatically placed from the beginning of bar 5 across all parts at the same time (not including any tied notes before bar 5)

Cheers, lokotus

As a caret can be moved and dynamics can be created anywhere, tied note doesn’t seams to be a problem. Any way in some situation if you would like to beam notes in other way then Dorico does (mostly, after XML import) it is still little bit confusing: in such case you have to untie them first, select a particular one, beam it a way you want and tie it again. Still quite a long procedure…

Based on your example, lokutus, there are quite a few ways to put the caret into the right spot in bar 5 to put a dynamic there. Here are two: select a non-tied note at the start of bar 5 on the staff adjacent to the viola staff, hit Return, hit up or down arrow to move the caret to the viola staff; or double-click at the start of bar 5 in the viola staff but not on the note itself, instead on a blank part of the staff.

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The other problem with being unable to select individual notes as part of a tie is when i have a percussion rolled note tied to a non rolled note. At the moment, I have to select every single 2nd note individually in engrave mode in order to remove them. This is a painstakingly slow process. Is there any faster way to get around this?

You could try using two separate notes, one with a tremolo and one without, and joined with a slur instead of a tie.

You could also get correct one of these notes, then Alt+Click it wherever else you want it in the part.