Selecting voice on MIDI instrument (BANK,MSB,LSB)

New Dorico user here. Got a Yamaha Genos connected, and trying to set the track to play a different piano voice using the Bank, MSB, LSB details but when I click the ‘edit instrument’ button (circled on the screenshot) nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? Tried googling but to no avail. Hoping you guys can help.

I’m afraid that button is only operable for VST plug-ins: it shows the plug-in’s window. When the instrument is routed to a MIDI device, really that button should be disabled.

Hi dspreadbury,
So is there no way of doing what I am intending on doing?

I think you can do this by setting up an Expression Map with the MIDI data as Init actions (CCs and program change), and assigning it to the channel. See:

Bank change messages are CC0 for MSB and CC32 for LSB

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