Send vs. Insert


Hi again,

Rather than start a new thread i thought i would tag my question onto this post.

Here is a somewhat hyperthetical scenario but i just want to make my question as clear as i can :-

If i have written a song for 10 x trumpets then i would create 10 x tracks in Cubase for which to record these onto. i then record all 10 x trumpets individually (each on a seperate track) as you would normally do. No problem.

Then on trumpet #1, lets say i add 10 x Inserts and 10 x Sends to produce the sound i want to acheive. And i get these total 20 x FX set to exactly how i want them to be sounding. No problem.

Now, i would like to use these exact SAME 20 x FX of the remaining 9 x trumpets. Obviously its going to take about an hour (at least !!) to maually apply these configurations to each of the remaining 9 x trumpets.

i know that you can SAVE AS TEMPLATE but this is not what i need (but the closest thing in the manual i can find).


i know that in Logic there is a facility called SAVE CHANNEL STRIP whereas you can save both SEND and INSERT FX Chains and then open/apply them to other tracks. What does anyone think the best way forward is here please ?? What i was thinking of (but i am not sure if it is possible or such a thing exists !!) is if you could have like SEND FX STRIP with 10 x FX in, and a INSERT FX STRIP with x 10 FX in, and then route each of the 10 x trumpet tracks to both of these Busses. This would solve the issue but as i say i may be dreaming here !! :open_mouth:

Thanks a lot,


I don’t use it myself, but I think you’re looking for Track Presets.

Ta, do you mean SAVE Track Preset and LOAD Track Preset ?

Or would you suggest some way of routing all 10 x trumpets to a SEND BUS and INSERT BUS without using Presets ??

If i have 10 x Inserts on 1 x Track and then SAVE AS TRACK PRESET (which i think is what you mean ?). Then create another 9 x Instrument Tracks and assign the Track Presets to each of these (so 10 x tracks each with IDENTICAL 10 x Inserts), then will each VST FX be opened 10 TIMES (eg. there will be 10 x Compressors open, 10 x Reverb open etc, even though the settings are all exactly the same ??). Or will each VST FX only be open once because it has been saved within a TRACK PRESET ??

i know that if i had SEND FX with different settings then eack FX would obviously need to be applied in a different ‘instance’ (same as you would have to with hardware FX modules). But with TRACK PRESET’s on Sends/Inserts (or in the case of Logic ‘Channel Strips’), does it just open each VST FX once only ???

Hope thats clearly explained :open_mouth:

if you run 10 x instances of the same track then it is LOGIC that 10 instances will open , your from logic ? what does logic do that our Cubase doesn’t because to be honest if you have the equipment you have and your the age you say you are then if you don’t understand the Cubase way …go LOGIC !!!11

What sort of reply or help is that supposed to be !! ??

And why would i be lying about my gear and age !! ??

Again, I don’t use Track Presets, but that’s how it should work IMO. That’s the premise you started with, right? You wanted 10 trumpet tracks, each with 10 inserts. It can’t be a shared FX insert cause that concept cannot work.

If however you do want the same FX inserted on all 10 tracks, you can send them all to the same Group Track and insert the 10 FX there. This is not the same as the above though, cause each effect will be now triggered by any of the 10 trumpets - which can make a huge difference in sound, if for instance it is a compressor.

Again, I don’t use Track Presets, but that’s how it should work IMO.

Ok, ta.

That’s the premise you started with, right? You wanted 10 trumpet tracks, each with 10 inserts.


It can’t be a shared FX insert cause that concept cannot work.


If however you do want the same FX inserted on all 10 tracks, you can send them all to the same Group Track and insert the 10 FX there.

Yes, all the exact same FX.

This is not the same as the above though, cause each effect will be now triggered by any of the 10 trumpets - which can make a huge difference in sound, if for instance it is a compressor.

Right, i see now (re : Compressor etc).

So would you say i am better using the first method i mentioned where i SAVE/LOAD TRACK PRESETS ??

Much appreciated.