Separate The Coda From Chart


This feature probably exists, but under a different name.

How can I have a space between the “D.S” bar and the Coda.

The charts goes from Bar 1 to bar 96; the D.S. takes you to Bar 17; after Bar 48, you go “To Coda”. The Coda is at the bottom of the page, in line with Bar 96, but you want a blank space before the start of the Coda; essentially, an empty, line-less bar.

How do I do that?


It involves setting frames beside each other as Daniel does for his Preces & Responses tutorial. See the end of

See also

for a specific thread on Coda spacing.

Or wait for the next update, since a nice and easy solution has been implemented for that… Probably available at the end of November.

I don’t think the client can. :laughing:

In the mean time, Derrek’s first link proves to be quite interesting! LOOOONNGG, but interesting! :laughing: