Set Part to "locally" but still update the Full score

The properties of the part I am working on was first set to “Globally” but I have now changed it to “Locally”. When I, now, delete an object in the part (which was originally create in “Global” , it is still updated in the Full Score. It seems as though the “Global” aspect was still attached to it. So, I guess, my question would be: How can I convert a “Globally” created object into a “Locally” one?. Thanks in advance for your help.

Welcome to the forum @FredericT

The globally/locally scope setting applies to the reach of local properties that you change only. This might be whether a diminuendo appears as text or a hairpin, for example.

Whether or not an item exists will only ever apply globally: if you delete an item, it’s deleted.

You can instead hide certain items locally (eg hide them in the part, but show them in the score).

If you want to say a bit more about what exactly you’re trying to achieve, people here might have alternative suggestions for you.

Thank you Lillie Harris, that clarifies it. I have noticed, though, that it does not work when I try to change a gliss. line from Straight Line to Wavy in the part; . in that case, it gets updated in the full score. So it seems to apply to certain things but not to all. Which leads me to the following question: is there a list of what objects can be changed locally in Dorico? Unless I misunderstood something, of course. Thanks!

Frederic, if you can set a property, then you can set it locally or globally. If for example you have a line, and in the property panel you can switch its appearance (from wiggly to straight) then you can apply this locally or globally. If I recall, this is f.e. the case with the appearance of glissando lines. Glissando you’ll find under Ornaments.
Check with your other lines, whether and which options you have in the property panel.

Hi, Frederic!

At the top of the bottom panel there are two different selctors: The far right (“Set local properties:”) governs whether changes to properties that can be set locally or globally will be stored, well, locally or globally.

Left to this selector there is a button group labelled “Show:” with vlues “Local Only”, “Global Only”, and “All”. When you select “Local Only” you get to see only those properties that can be set locally or globally; selecting “Global Only” will get you all properties that can only be set globally, where the other selection will have no influence.

When you doing work that shall only have influence on the current (local) layout, I stronly recomment setting the filter to “Local Only”, so you don’t unintentionally change something that will have influence in all other layouts.

Here’s information about local and global properties

You can check which properties are local/global by looking at the boldness of their font (global properties or local properties set globally have a bolder font) or using the filter at the top of the Properties panel.

Thank you Lillie and Estigy, I understand now. I thought that the “show” local properties pertained to the properties that I had chosen to keep local. I understand now that they show the properties that can be set Locally. Your help was much appreciated, thank you.

Thank you, I understand now. I thought that the “show” local properties pertained to the properties that I had chosen to keep local. I understand now that they show the properties that can be set Locally. Your help was much appreciated, thank you.

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